This meets the brief for unit 16 as i have layered my radio show with sounds and voice overs and you can hear these sound effects from the beginning of my radio show around 0:30 to 1:00 there are school bells ringing and chatter in my radio other than just a normal dialogue, this was included so that my radio show looked and sounds realistic.
Friday, June 23, 2023
Thursday, June 22, 2023
what I lead on my side and how I liaised with my partner
So for our radio Nik helped me record the whole thing using garage band and a microphone even though it took a lot of re takes we both managed to record it. He helped me edit the last couple of minutes of our radio as I added the music and cut out the bloopers of our radio. After we had edited the first draft we realised that more editing needed to be done so what I did again was write an extra script for our radio as it was too short and it didn’t really have a story line to it.
Alongside this we both had voiceovers and he helped me with my parts. Our dialog was mixed between us but mostly on my part because I had more speaking to do and we needed an extra person to be a girl on our radio but no one was free so I just got Nik to pretend to be a girl and do his voice over for certain parts of our radio which was mostly towards the end.
When it came to exporting our video Nik helped me put it onto my YouTube channel as I didn’t know how to save it from garage band and put it onto final cut pro, so he saved it all and uploaded it for me. We both took equal acts on this radio so none of us were doing more than the other which was really helpful for us.
who did what
Friday, June 9, 2023
U16 radio gossip hub clip
This meets the brief for unit 16 as i have layered my radio show with sounds and voice overs and you can hear these sound effects from the ...

Programme Analysis The name of this programme is called "The Uncanny", Uncanny was first released on 12th October in 2021 and co...
So for our radio Nik helped me record the whole thing using garage band and a microphone even though it took a lot of re takes we both man...